The School for Young Children serves children who have language/learning
disabilities to such an extent that they do not profit from instruction
in a more traditional environment. The cause of these learning problems
is usually an inability to process information/instruction which requires
significant levels of remediation and/or alternative approaches to instruction.
There must be an educational need in order for students to be accepted into
the school. The following requirements must be met before a child is admitted
to the SYC:
- A recent comprehensive individualized evaluation that includes but is not limited to a cognitive and an achievement assessment.
- A completed application including a form completed by the child's last teacher.
- Attendance by the child's parents at an orientation session that includes a visit to the SYC.
- A visit by the child that includes a meeting with the appropriate class.
Additionally, children must have a level of cognitive development that would suggest that they are able to profit from the academic environment provided at the SYC. Children are not accepted at the SYC if their behavior inhibits them from profiting from instruction.
To initiate the application process, contact Mrs. Sheila McBrinn, director
of the SYC, at 713-520-8310, or by email at